ATPC Awards
ATPC Lifetime Achievement Award
No Awardees
ATPC Significant Contribution Award
Professor Ramesh Laxminarayan Gardas
(Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)
ATPC Young Scientist Award

Dr. Aoran Fan
(Tsinghua University, China)

Dr. Takuma Shiga
(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan)
The three ATPC Awards: the “Lifetime Achievement Award,” “Significant Contribution Award,” and “Young Scientist Award,” were established in 2010 as a part of the 9th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference in Beijing (ATPC2010). Since then, the awards have been bestowed triennially to recognize outstanding contributions worthy of each award category.
ATPC Lifetime Achievement Award
The Lifetime Achievement Award is introduced exceptionally to honor outstanding scientific work in any field of research on thermophysical properties. The Award is provided to a professional thermophysical scientist who has made significant contributions, and achieved exceptional accomplishments to Asian Thermophysical Properties Research and been recognized by the academia.
Nominations by International Organizing Committee (IOC) members of ATPC are invited for the Award in recognition of well-defined achievements in Asian thermophysical properties research over a long period of activity. Each nomination should be accompanied by a brief biography, a list of significant publications, a description of professional achievements in thermophysics, and one or two letter(s) of recommendation from influential members of the international thermophysics community detailing the specific reasons for the nomination.
Nominations by IOC members are open starting 1 June 2022 and will close on 31 July 2022. Late submissions and incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Please submit applications to atpc2022-awards(at)
*(at) should be replaced with @.
Award Ceremony
We suggest that the conference consider giving the Award every three years at the award ceremony by the local organizing committee of ATPC. The Lifetime Achievement Award recipients shall be bestowed the honorary certificates.
Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients:
2010 Bu-Xuan Wang (Tsinghua Univ., China)
2016 Akira Nagashima (Keio Univ., Japan)
2019 Sir William A. Wakeham (UK)
ATPC Significant Contribution Award
The ATPC2022 Organizing Committee expects to introduce the Significant Contribution Award to encourage academic research and enhance academic qualities of Asian Thermophysical Properties Research. The Award is provided to a professional thermophysical scientist who has made significant contributions or achieved outstanding accomplishments to Asian Thermophysical Properties Research and been recognized by academia.
Evaluation Process
The Award is open to those engaged in research activities that emphasize thermophysical properties. Candidates are expected to be employed at higher education institutions or scientific establishments. Candidates are put forth by nomination from the International Organizing Committee (IOC) of ATPC members with nominating letters to demonstrate the breadth of the nominee’s contributions. Nominations from each country are required to be no more than two individuals. In addition to the nominating letter, a curriculum vitae must be submitted for nominees so that the committee will have some way of knowing how that individual meets the criteria.
Who Selects the Awardee(s)?
IOC appoints the chairperson of the Award Committee. The Award Committee reports the names and documents of the candidates to IOC one month before the conference by e-mail. The Award decision at IOC is made by e-mail voting.
Award Ceremony
We suggest that the conference consider giving the Award every three years at the award ceremony by the local organizing committee of ATPC. The Significant Contribution Award recipient shall be bestowed the honorary certificate.
Nominations by IOC members are open starting 1 June 2022 and will close on 31 July 2022. Late submissions and incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Please submit applications to atpc2022-awards(at)
*(at) should be replaced with @.
Significant Contribution Award Recipients:
2010 Yuji Nagasaka (Keio Univ., Japan)
2013 Tetsuya Baba (AIST, Japan), Xing Zhang (Tsinghua Univ., China)
2016 Yoon Hee Jeong (POSTECH, Korea)
2019 Yasuyuki Takata (Kyushu Univ., Japan)
ATPC Young Scientist Award
The ATPC2022 Organizing Committee expects to introduce the Young Scientist Award to recognize and award the excellent accomplishments of Asian Thermophysical Properties Research. The Award is provided to a junior professional thermophysical scientist who has made significant contributions to Asian Thermophysical Properties Research as a support at the beginning of his/her professional career.
The Award is open to those engaged in research activities that emphasize thermophysical properties. Candidates are expected to be employed at higher education institutions or scientific establishments, and should be less than 40 years old as of 31 December 2022. Candidates are put forth by nominating letters from international committee members to demonstrate the breadth of the nominee’s contributions. Nominations from each country are required to be no more than two individuals. In addition to the nominating letter, a curriculum vitae must be submitted for nominees so that the committee will have some way of knowing how that individual meets the criteria.
Evaluation Process
IOC appoints the chairperson of the Award Committee. The Award Committee reports the names and documents of the candidates to IOC one month before the conference by e-mail. The Award decision at IOC is made by e-mail voting.
Evaluation Criteria
Number of citations and h-index
Number and quality of publications and patents
Documented social impact
Award Ceremony
We suggest that the conference consider giving the Award every three years on the award ceremony by the local organizing committee of ATPC. The Young Scientist Award recipients shall be bestowed the honorary certificates.
Nominations by IOC members are open starting 1 June 2022 and will close on 31 July 2022. Late submissions and incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Please submit applications to atpc2022-awards(at)
*(at) should be replaced with @.
Young Scientist Award Recipients:
2010 Yanghui Feng (Univ. Sci. and Tech. Beijing, China)
2013 Naoya Sakoda (Kyushu Univ., Japan), Daisuke Tomida (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
2016 Yoshihiro Taguchi (Keio Univ., Japan)
2019 Weigang Ma (China)